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Koolsville Tattoo, Home Of The $10 Tattoo in Las Vegas, NV.Home of The $10 Tattoo

Why Face Shape Matters for Lip Piercings

Popular Types of Lip Piercings and Who They Suit

1. Labret Piercing (Below the Center of the Bottom Lip)

2. Monroe Piercing (Upper Left Side of the Lip)

A side profile of someone with a Monroe piercing, showcasing how it enhances their cheekbone structure.

3. Medusa Piercing (Centered Above the Upper Lip)

A close-up of a person with a Medusa piercing, highlighting their upper lip and Cupid’s bow.

4. Snake Bites (Two Piercings on Either Side of the Bottom Lip)

5. Ashley Piercing (Directly Through the Center of the Bottom Lip)

6. Dahlia Piercings (Both Corners of the Mouth)

How to Pick the Right Jewelry for Your Lip Piercing

Things to Consider Before Getting a Lip Piercing


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