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Koolsville Tattoo, Home Of The $10 Tattoo in Las Vegas, NV.Home of The $10 Tattoo

Can You Play Sports with Piercings?

Risks of Playing Sports with Piercings

A soccer player covering their ear piercing with athletic tape before a game.

1. Impact Injuries

2. Infection and Irritation

3. Jewelry Displacement

How to Protect Your Piercings During Sports

1. Wear Protective Coverings

2. Choose the Right Jewelry

3. Keep the Piercing Clean

4. Consider Removing Jewelry Temporarily

Best Practices for Specific Piercings

A close-up of a well-healed navel piercing protected by snug athletic wear during exercise.

Ear and Facial Piercings

Oral and Tongue Piercings

Navel and Body Piercings


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